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What Is A Black Swan?
In the financial markets a Black Swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has...

Common Investing Mistakes
In our personal lives, we have a conscience that keeps us from doing not-so-nice things. Sometimes we even get a creepy-crawly feeling...

The Age of Experience: Always Improving
It’s not just fine wines that get better with age. We also are always improving — growing more confident over time, having met challenges...

Can Your Portfolio Weather an Economic Storm?
Let’s talk a little about famous last words. On Nov. 8, 2007, then-Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told lawmakers that the U.S....

7 Must Have Financial Advisor Requirements
By Daniel Goodwin As we begin to set our sights on 2020 I want to suggest to our readers that you consider going into the new year with...

How Women Can Achieve Financial Empowerment – and a Better Retirement
By Dina Siracusa If you're a married woman, chances are that one day you will be a widow. Will you be ready to handle finances on your...

Real Estate Investing is Smart Investing
By Daniel Goodwin The fact is that you and I will need income for the remainder of our lives. Most people hope that their savings will...

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?
By Daniel Goodwin These past couple of years many clients have asked about whether or not they should refinance their mortgage. Rates...

5 Myths of IRA Investing
By Daniel Goodwin Many people in the United States are missing out on one of the best retirement opportunities of opening up an IRA...

Ultra-Low Cost Investments and Advisors
By Daniel Goodwin Recently a friend shared a Wall Street Journal article with me on ultra-low cost advisor subscriptions as a new trend...

Not all “Christian” Financial Advice is to be Trusted
By Daniel Goodwin This week on the radio I listened to two different “Christian” financial advisors. One of them a pastor spouting off...

Simple Wealth - Simplify Your Way to Financial Success!
By Daniel Goodwin In our 24/7 world today of nonstop investment information I find today the average investor is confused and bewildered....

700 Bazillion Dollar Powerball – Should You “take a chance” ?
By Daniel Goodwin I rarely know anything about what is going on with the lottery, but I ran into three people that I respect and admire...

The Dangers of Trying to Time the Market
By Daniel Goodwin Are you considered clairvoyant? Do you win an office football pool every year? Or are you the sort of person who, while...

Why 2 Million Dollars May Make You Miserable
By Daniel Goodwin As I get deeper and deeper delving into the financial picture of clients in the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s, the psychology...

Good Money Questions Trump All
By Daniel Goodwin G.K. Chesterson said, “It’s not that they can’t see the solution; they can’t see the problem.” The problem that haunts...

How To Get Kids Interested In Investing
By Daniel Goodwin Anyone you read about these days known for making money started out as a child once and probably learned about the...

As an Investor, Are You an Andy or a Barney?
Markets have been volatile this year to the chagrin of some and delight of others. Count me in the camp of those delighted with...

7 Money Tips For Newlyweds
You just got married, but you may now realize that so did your finances. One of you is a big spender and one is a saver! How in the world...

Top Nine College Planning Mistakes
1. No Overall Game Plan Many clients we sit down with have done a realistic plan and projection of what the real cost of college...
This material is for general information and education purposes only. Information is based on data gathered from what we believe are reliable sources. It is not guaranteed as to accuracy, does not purport to be complete and is not intended to be used as a primary basis for investment decisions. It should also not be construed as advice meeting the particular investment needs of nay investor.
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